Working with me

'Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.'

                                                                       George B. Shaw

Our everyday life is hectic, complex and not supportive for women.

It’s hard to keep up with the multifaceted aspects of our lives, especially if we put extra pressure on ourselves to “have it all”:

a career, a family, we want to look good, we like to travel, we like exciting leisure activities.
We don't want to miss anything.

The feeling of being overwhelmed and overstimulated, stress, tension and fatigue are the results

of this unbalanced life style and can make us unhappy and even ill.

From my own experiences I have felt what persistent stress, anxiety and fatigue can do with the body and the entire energy system of a woman.

I have studied this matter and learned how ongoing overload and a lack of rest can affect a woman's body,

how it can disrupt our hormonal balance and consequently confuses our physical, emotional and mental well-being.

How does a session go?

Every session is tailor-made according to your specific needs in the moment. It is different every time and for every person.

I offer sessions in my working space. If you prefer we can work remotely via zoom, skype or telephone.

Together we will slow down, look at where you get stuck and how you lose energy.

The reasons can be: long-term and excessive burden, an unhealthy lifestyle, stuck habits; etc.

We unravel the underlying patterns that no longer serve you:

unprocessed or suppressed emotions, limiting beliefs about yourself and about life, fears, self-sabotage and more.

Then I bring your body to a deep rest and recharge your energy system (you’ll find more information

about Energywork in Brennan Healing Science ® on this page below).

You will feel more lighter and energized, creating more room for new insights that you can integrate into your life.

In addition, I will provide you with tips and tools that you can use at home and in the workplace to better support yourself.

After the session you can expect the following results:

  • a state of deep relaxation and inner peace
  • a feeling of general well-being
  • more mental peace and clarity

  • more lightness
  • more energy and vitality
  • a better insight into one's own dynamics

And afterwards

Together, we will work in a series of sessions over a longer period.Only in this way you can make lasting changes to your life.

The number of sessions depends on your specific situation and how fast you can integrate new information and for how long.


My intention is that in time you will be able to  calm your mind and learn to make better contact with your body.

You will learn to feel and recognize when stress, anxiety and tension accumulate and cause you to lose energy.

Furthermore, you will understand how you can best support yourself in these moments

and determine what you need at what time.

Finally, this will allow you to make better choices for yourself so as to avoid dis-ease and possibly burn out.

You will be empowered to better face challenging situations and to avoid destructive patterns before they settle in.


It has been my experience that after a while, clients  start to live in a more empowered and energized way.

Like them, you will experience more peace in your body and enhanced clarity in your mind.

You will feel that you can increasingly take control of your life which leads to experience more happiness and pleasure.

About Brennan Healing Science ®

As a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner I work in and with the human energy field. The state of your energy field determines your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. It is a gentle and powerful method to bring you back into balance. Blocks, leaks, areas of tension and imbalances are detected. Where there is a lack of energy it is replenished. Wherever there is an excess of energy it is removed. Your energy field is being restored, cleaned, balanced, recharged and strengthened.

You will feel more relaxed on a deep level, your life force will flow better and your vitality will increase.

Energy Healing does not replace traditional medical treatments but can be a valuable addition to them.

I offer a one hour free introductary consultation:  

here you will gain more clarity about what you want to create for yourself in your life.

We often do not know what doesn’t work or what makes us unhappy.

When your desires are clear and specific, the process of creation can start.

In the meantime, we can experience and feel if we are a good match and if we will be able to work together.




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