About me

My name is Griet and years ago I found myself in the same place where you are now.

More than 25 years (after I studied art history and archeology at Ghent University

and then followed a specialization in Marketing at the Vlerick School)

I worked in the corporate world in various sales and marketing positions at major media companies.

I found - and still find -  this world a very attractive place where I could live my enthusiasm

and passion for human relationships.

Just as you, I know the challenges and pitfalls of working in the corporate world.

For years, I felt the pressure and the impact of high goals and tight deadlines.

I have lived the negative effects of long and hard work.

 I pushed myself beyond my own limits.

I mainly lived in my head and neglected my feelings.

More and more I accumulated fatigue and I constantly felt stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.

Consequently I lost a lot of energy.

"I mainly lived in my head and neglected my feelings."

When I was confronted with a deep crisis in my personal life, I was invited to reflect on who I was, what I really wanted and how I wanted to continue.

Everything was upside down and I got the feeling that I was no longer

on the right track professionally.

After a long and difficult process of several years, I decided to

completely change course.

I chose to take a new start and to begin studying again: I attended for Brennan Healing Science ®  at the world renowned Barbara Brennan School of Healing in the US.

This four-year intensive program consists of deep personal transformation as well as the study of the human energy field. 

I learned to feel safe in my body, to feel and  watch over my own limits, and to take better care of myself. 

I found greater inner peace and learned to recharge myself - better managing

my own energy.

After this 4 years I started my own practice where I offer Coaching and Energywork.


My childhood was intense and passed with many obstacles.

I was sensitive and very curious about how life works; always looking for

the “why”, the sense and the deeper meaning of life.

I was hunger for wisdom. I wanted to know and to understand.

I like to study, read a lot of books and spent lots of time and money by following numerous courses

and workshops (you will find most of them below).

In difficult times I was able to nourish and balance myself by being actively involved in personal development.

I continue my education, it’s a lifelong pursuit. This helps me to better serve you.

  • Intuitive Development - Timothy Project

  • Nutrition - OWC Antwerp

  • Aromatherapy - Veerle Waterschoot, Geert Devlieghere, Florame

  • Massagetherapy - De Stroming, Geert Van Coillie

  • Core Energetics – Dirk Marivoet

  • Shiatsu – Frans Copers

  • Reiki

  • Evolution psychology

  • Meditation (different types)

  • Brennan Healing Science ® – Barbara Brennan School of Healing

  • Cords Healing - Barbara Brennan School of Healing

Besides my biggest passion – inspiring and helping people – I love to spend

time in nature. I like animals and gardening.

I enjoy movement a lot – yoga, gym, dancing -  to stay fit and I like to cook healthy meals.

I also enjoy art exhibitions and architecture as they help me to recharge.


I do believe that the time is now to find new ways of working where there is a win-win for everyone.

 I believe in the power of the individual and his/her potential for transformation.

It is my longing and mission to contribute to this through delivering all my experience and my knowledge

so you can offer your talents in a more healthy and sustainable way.


If you are a busy woman,  who is ready to take the leap into a more balanced life I would like to support and help you.

I would be honoured to  be your resting point and your sounding board;

to provide a safe space where you can catch your breath, exhale and recharge.

I would love to inspire you and introduce you to new models for a better and greater quality of life.