
Are you a hard-working and busy woman who often feels stretched to her limits?

Then you might be familiar with the following experiences .


You live through a high level of stress, a sense of overwhelm and an inability to relax deeply.

You are restless and you feel anxiety in your body.  Your mind is constantly busy.

You are tired and rarely feel rested.
You encounter physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive complaints, neck and back pain,

muscle and joint pain, sleep disorders, etc.
Your energy level is sometimes low and even though your body gives clear signals,

you keep going because you don't know what to do differently.

You are not alone.

I know how you feel and what you are going through.
My name is Griet and I welcome you to my practice. I support and guide women

so that they can cope better with stress, anxiety, overwhelm and fatigue.
I help women like you to create a balanced, healthy and happy life for themselves.